I loved watching these two fall in love...but it was the strangest ending I have ever seen for a rom-com.
2 August 2023
Anna Castillo is wonderful as Margot and Álvaro Mel is equally wonderful as David. These two have amazing chemistry in this slow burn romance that starts out as a mutually beneficial relationship that turns into genuine friendship and then love.

As a romantic I enjoyed every minute of these two falling in love and I also enjoyed the celebration (even though it was joked about) of a heteronormative relationship. It was sweet and natural and young and fresh and I think romantics like me will love it.

The cast was appropriately small, which gave the story an intimate feel, particularly on the vacation in Greece. David is a carefree character who lives on his best friend's couch, has three part-time jobs and just got dumped by the lovely but shallow Idoia. Margot is a repressed heiress who is being patronized in the boardroom and literally runs away from her wedding and controlling mother after a panic attack. These two meet by chance in a bar, when Margot's sisters take her out dancing. David, as the bar tender, kindly fills her shot glass with water...when her sister's ignore her "no" and insist they all do shots together. When Margot picks up her drunk sister's phone at the bar the next day...she witnesses Idoia's strange pull on David and steps in to help as a good deed. This begins a beautiful friendship. The two agree to help each other get their significant others back, which includes Margot helping David become an adult and David helping Margot loosen up.

These two really light up the screen with their chemistry and the gorgeous Greek backdrop sets the mood for their developing feelings. The sets and wardrobe were well done and it was fun to see a neighborhood festival in Spain. In the end I liked that the message wasn't about beauty or money...although I think both David and Margot are beautiful.

My one and only note is that the ending was the oddest ending I have ever seen for a romantic comedy and it left some confusion for certain watchers as to what actually happen at the end. I think romantics will love this limited run series based on the books by Elisabet Benavent (which I wish they would translate into English!), I strongly recommend.

This review is based on watching the series in it's original Spanish language with English subtitles.
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