How to Fall in Love (2012 TV Movie)
I wanted to like it more but the poor me nerd thing is not it
28 July 2023
Sorry, but it's just something that icks tf outta me! "Oh I was a nerd. I didn't have the confidence to talk to you so I just watched and now I'm a grown man and still can't get it together and dwell in the past!"

We get it, come onnnn. It's probably one of my biggest pet peeves. He was also a little TOO perfect. "Classic romantic." Like come on it was all so cliche. I wanted a nerd who was a nerd and I would have loved that. But getting rid of his glasses was my first ick and then it just continued lol.

Look, I love an awkward character! I think nerdy, dorky men are the HOTTEST thing in creation. I would have loved to see him fall in love with an equally dorky girl who appeared cool on the surface.

But the whole crying over his HS life was so stupid. Honestly, grow up dude. Get therapy. -_- You're too old for that especially when she was super nice in HS and you never spoke up. No one's a mind reader.

Didn't love the sister angle too. The older sister was a complete jerk. It seemed like the MC did a lot of apologizing for crap she didn't need to apologize for. And it comes up multiple times. He didn't talk to her after the dance. Um hello TALK TO SOMEONE!

To be clear he is not perfect. The fact that the girl he was seeing never really got to do what she wanted to do says a lot. If you're selfish yeah no one's going to want to date you.

Also still reeling over a highschool rival for someone's attention at that big age is insane. Like it really is lmfao.

Anyway all in all while this movie had seriously sweet moments and Kathy Najimy stole the show, it lacked a LOT in the end. So meh. I wish it had been a lot better, but it was still a cute movie in some aspects.
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