A melodrama 1960's period piece not relevant for the subsequent 1969 Woodstock and free love
25 July 2023
I think the writers/producers and director missed their period of opportunity to make this melodramatic period piece stick around for a few decades. Yes it was released in the early part of the 1960's (1961 to be exact) but it was only eight (8) years later that moral beliefs about pre-marital sex were changed forever when the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival glorified hip music, drugs and most especially free love.

Both women and men in the late 1960's and early 1970's (before Aids) felt the need to be free and uninhibited with their bodies and divorce rates climbed exponentially. Films such as 1961 Claudelle Inglish were more greatly appreciated in the previous decade of the 1950's as being informative to remind all young and virtuous ladies that all men are dirty pigs with only one thing in mind. Women who put out before marriage were looked down upon in the early 1960's and 1950's and it will only lead to a downward spiral if your virtue is jeopardized in lieu of a one night fling in hopes of trusting the man will respect you in the morning.

After watching Claudelle Inglish transform from a young seedling to a robust and ripe flower so attractive to any man's eyes only to have her wilt after successive bad decisions we witness a disappointing ending to a melodramatic young life.

Just like Claudelle Inglish herself, this film has long passed its best before date and todays women know what they want and are not afraid to speak up for themselves before it would be too late.

I give the film a rather outdated 4 out of 10 IMDb rating.
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