Eye Am
25 July 2023
I recommend watching this more than once. I've watched it a few times now (I plan to watch many more times) and each time my understanding deepens. I feel like every time I watch I become conscious of something new. I've read "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle and "The Energy Codes" by Sue Morter ( I highly recommend both) and I feel like this can serve as a great visual aid to the messages in those literary works (as well as other essential readings; e.g. The Bible, The Bhagavad Gita, etc.). I really enjoy the visuals in this documentary as well. But the words are the biggest treasure and the more you dig, the more treasure you discover. It honestly doesn't feel like I'm learning something new, rather, it feels like I'm being reminded of something I knew a long time ago and had simply forgotten over time.

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