The X-Files: Revelations (1995)
Season 3, Episode 11
Mulder and Scully Reveal Themselves to Be Incompetent
20 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A young boy with the power to bleed uncontrollably is targeted by a demonic serial killer, and the only one who can save him is himself by running, because nobody else bothers to do a damn thing.

This episode is too filled with idiot plotting for my taste. I think the writers were mostly enamored with the idea of making Mulder the skeptical idiot for a change, and he definitely comes across like an idiot, but they kicked their heels up and celebrated a little too soon.

Our two heroes show up to investigate this boy because a serial killer is hunting people like him, but somehow that gets twisted into an unrelated social worker plot where the county suspects the mother of abuse based on no evidence. So they place the child in an unguarded orphanage where anyone can walk in and do anything they want to him. Huh?

Mulder and Scully just spent several thousand dollars in tax payer dollars to travel halfway across the country to... do nothing and forget their own plot?

The boy is then almost murdered by a man he clearly sees and can identify, but this is just forgotten. They get no description of the man from him, they place him with no special security, they themselves of course aren't interested in watching him... What?

It's only after his mother has been killed (my God do The X-Files writers like being weirdly sadistic) that Scully decides not to give the halfway home for soon to be murdered children a THIRD try.

People in this episode never cry out for help when they need help, never share information that would save lives even when it's practically demanded by the law that they do so, and they rarely ever get off their lazy butt to do their job. It's idiot plot central, which is great for idiots, but what about for the rest of us?
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