Review of Deadloch

Deadloch (2023– )
A review of the entire season
15 July 2023
Most of the reviews I have seen here seem to have been done after the reviewer had watched a few episodes. Since I have watched the entire series (or is it only the first season?), I thought I would offer my perspective. First off, I found two of the characters in the first episode so annoying that I almost stopped watching there. In fact, that is exactly what two of my friends did. But I saw enough in the first episode to keep going, and I am glad I did. Eddie, the detective played by Madeleine Sami, came on too strong at first, but she calmed down after the first episode, and by the fourth episode I was finding her hilarious. She's definitely the best thing about the series. (Unfortunately, I never did warm up to the other character. Sorry Cath!) Kate Box plays the other lead character, and while it is a much less flashier role, she delivers a performance that is every bit as good. All of the other characters are quirky without being annoying and the mystery part of the story works really well. And I have to give a shout out to the show for nailing the last episode. Endings are really hard to do, and I am often disappointed in them, but the ending here is perfect. Anyone looking for just a comedy or just a mystery may be disappointed, but anyone looking for a combination of the two should be delighted. They just have to make it past the first episode.
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