Review of Oddballs

Oddballs (2022–2023)
Inexperienced Creator
8 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Now first of all, it's not terrible and it's light years better than velma. But it's still pretty bad.

Plot: the plot is a very early 2000s kind of episodic story structure. A kid in a small town full of friends and wacky adventures. James is the creator of the show' meaning he is a bit inexperienced with these. Oddballs is a kids show, but is being watched by adults. So that combination lacks entertainment so it's obvious the audience is expecting serialization...unless the kids show is bluey, then that's fine.

Characters: 2 seasons into this series and the characters lack everything, max is just there because their best friends but they don't explore why that's the case, it just happens. Echo is a time traveling kid from the future, an "odd" combination? Yes. But did they push her limits?... No' of course not. It's unexplained why this character matters at all. Mr. Mcfly is james and Max's head teacher and they do wacky stuff with this character but he's more of a plot device than a character. Max's parents and James's parents are just their cause why not. The entire show lack diversity where it reaches the 4th dimension.

The Actual Story: plots and stories are different in mumy opinion. The plot is where the show is beginning and it's surrounding environment, and story is the beginning to the end and everything in between. Like i said 2 seasons into this series and every character barely matters. The only serialized part about the story is where toasty lives in the end of s1e1 and then came back s2e8 just for this character to be completely wasted. I guess toasty was the reason why echos timeline got nessed up and had to stick along for the series. But that precious potential was also wasted.

I think in season 1 they should have given depth into side characters more and end the first season with the ending of season 2 then serialize the story a bit in season 2 and don't let any possible potential be wasted.

But for now oddballs is at it's "All Time Low"
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