It's meh
30 June 2023
It's not as bad as everyone loves to claim, but it's not their best. It's not even that dark either. That said I will admit it is a nice change of pace from their usual setup. The author himself admitted it has little to do with his series. As a standalone, it's ok. I doubt kids will really be spooked at all.

The characters are bland. Taran's really cocky and angsty, which can get annoying. I get why, but it's still annoying. At least he matures towards the end (quickly actually, his voice changes midway through the story). Princess Eilonwy's more or less the typical damsel-in-distress. She's helpful, but also whiny and a bit conceited. At least she knows her faults.

Flewderflan is the typical bumbling comic relief. It's funny how his harp breaks a string every time he lies. Almost like Pinocchio's nose.

Hen wen's the cute pig who has a prophetic ability. She doesn't get much screen time despite being an important character.

Then there's Gurgi. Looks a bipedal dog with a raspy voice. He's not the most annoying character, but the movie could definitely do without him. Too bad his sacrifice was kind've in vain a way.

Finally, there's the horned king. He might just be best character out of them all. He's somewhat intimidating. His minion, Creeper, is slightly sympathetic.

The action scenes are brief and kind've underwhelming. It would've been cool if Taran became more comfortable wielding as the movie progressed. But no, it's gone shortly to be traded. Understandable, but still.

The dialogue's ok. It's honestly forgettable. Nothing really stood out to me.

If this were remade or expanded on based on the actual source material, I'd actually watch it. As a standalone, it's ok. If you're that interested, check it out then.
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