So boring and generic, I remember transformers were cool
15 June 2023
Not a big transformers guy, but coming from the 2007 movie starring Shia Labeouf and Megan Fox, I remeber it fondly, it was fun, effects were pretty damn cool and all that.

So you'd expect after 16 years the franchise would at make a decent effort to be of a similar quality, right? WRONG!

Generic storyline, dull dialogue, even the effects felt so devoid of any coolness, man back in 2007 transformations were SICK! Now its just some flexible metal mumbo jumbo, whatever costs less I figure.

I really tried to enjoy it but I could not, I didn't to expect to dislike it sthis much, I guess in some way it's a cool for kids; YAY ROBOTS! Big monke robot punches the bad guy, the gud guys run, oh no! We have to stop big bad guy.

The soundtrack is mid, oh and the way the story develops and the decisionmaking of the characters is pretty absurd.

It might've just ruined transformers for me.

Don't bother, go watch Spiderverse or Guardians of the galaxy 3 instead.

Like, not even if you're a Transformers fan, matter of fact if you want to stay a Transformers fan definitely skip it.
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