The first impressive and therapeutic episode within my viewing method. Here the reason why.
13 June 2023
The fact that The Simpsons has been one of those series that declines in quality over time is what gave me the idea of watching anthology series by ordering the episodes in a certain way to feel that they improve instead of worsen as you watch them. It's not always about going from lower to higher quality, if that's what you think, it's much more complex and varies depending on the series and the method to apply. But thanks to my wonderful invention, it was with this episode that I started to understand why The Simpsons lost quality.

This is the first truly good episode within my viewing method, and ironically, it is a clip show. But after having seen hundreds of mediocre or horrible episodes that are typically viewed with my current method of watching The Simpsons, this is the one that gives you the key to understanding the curse that the series suffered to end up being what it is today.

This episode, within my viewing method, shows us what made the golden age of the series great, and that was dramatizing everyday life with cinematic tension music. The fact that in those old episodes everyday life was portrayed with that special humor and tense music made viewers at the time see the series as a kind of messianic show that came to tell us, "you won't do worse than The Simpsons in life." And that was therapeutic, it was like a ray of hope in a life of suffering that people experience on a daily basis to encounter a series like this, which with its incredible narrative resources of tense scenes, tense music, and touching moments like Lisa playing the saxophone for her father, was so well done that it served as therapy for people who watched the series at that time and identified with the same difficulties as the characters in the show. But when the series ceased to be like that, it lost that therapeutic value. In addition to that, the movies they parodied were reproduced not only in concept but also in atmosphere, music, editing, and direction, and they took as an element to parody precisely a difficult moment in the characters' lives with which we could identify, and that was very therapeutic. But the series stopped creating that wonder over the years, transforming later into a simple, tasteless, and vulgar comedy series, and of course, that no longer had any therapeutic value.

So for you, it may be just another clip show, but for me, it is a compilation of therapeutic scenes from the golden age of the series, and it's as if my viewing method for watching The Simpsons is a movie that is finally reaching the climax, where interesting things are starting to happen in the story.
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