FP 4EVZ (2023)
11 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
FP 4EVZ tells the story of JTRO (director, writer and star Jason Trost) and his legendary family of rhythm game warriors, which includes Chia-T (Tally Wickham) and their daughter Chia-TRO (Lib Campbell). To save humanity from a sober future, they must use the time travel device known as the Remix Machine.

Also, if you've never watched one of these movies, they demand that you believe that Dance Dance Revolution is how people battle in the world after the end. In this world, it's called BEAT, which means Balance/Expeditiousness/Aggression/Tempo.

Crowd funded at the same time as the third FP movie, this has Space Ducks coming back to our Earth to rule it once again and only Chia-TRO can be the chosen one who can dance against them.

If you can wrap your head around that sentence, this movie is for you. I asked Jason Trost about this series and how it's grown and he said, "I'm making a movie that me and the close people around me want to make. A lot of people aren't going to like them, but I don't really care. Instead of trying to appeal to everyone, we're appealing to the people who like FP movies. They're going to love these and I'm making these movies for them.

I'm not trying to make FP for everyone. I feel like there are so many movies now where they try to expand their audience and they lose the magic of what they were when they start targeting everyone. Is everyone going to like RoboCop? Probably not. But do some people love it?"

Trost also discussed how each film in the series has become a different style of film: "I feel like with each movie, well, they're all parodies, so to speak. They're all satirical, parodying new genres and new movies every single time. So the joke just continues to evolve. At this point, the same characters are almost in completely different worlds every time."

So what movie is FP 4EVZ? "Obviously, a lot of Indiana Jones and Star Wars. Then there was definitely the Brendan Fraser Mummy movies, Romancing the Stone, things like that. I definitely want this to be a high adventure, going after an artifact movie. I mean, the two main characters are a man and a woman who bicker with each other about their relationship."

I loved every minute, but I've been into these films since day one. I live by the motto "Dance with your mind, not with your feet."
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