Bad and lame
7 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Here Kills the Bride"

Stupid title for a stupid movie, because the bride wasn't killed - she went after everyone who ticked her off to kill THEM. The movie opens on the psycho villain spying on her fiance at his bachelor party. When it was over, she killed him because there was a stripper at the party, who performed mainly for him since he was the groom. A few months later, she has a new fiance and goes with him to meet his parents and sister because they will be getting married in a week. (The reviewer here who stated he met her at a strip club was wrong: according to his story told to his parents and sister that first day, they met when she performed CPR on his friend who had collapsed on the way to lunch.)

Jasmine, the sister, is shocked that they're getting married so soon since they've only known each other a few months. She overhears another woman in the restroom with Grace (the psycho bride-to-be) talking to her about the strip club they used to work in together, and that sets Jasmine off into secretly investigating Grace. Meanwhile, Grace seems to be everywhere that anyone is talking about her, overhearing what they say, and then coming after them soon afterward to kill them. She also knew Jasmine looked in her purse to find her driver's license even though she was in another room trying on her wedding dress. Of course, after Jasmine gathers info about her from various sources and tells it all to her brother to warn him, he dismisses it by saying he already knew it and tells her to leave.

Will Grace be shown to be the psycho criminal she is by the end and will he acknowledge that his sister was right all along? Unfortunately, you'll have to watch the thing to find out - try not to suffer too much throughout, as I did.

Grace somehow knowing that Jasmine looked in her purse in another room is just one of the several contrived plot holes in this movie, that - along with the bad script, bad acting, stilted dialogue, and bad direction - earns it a zero rating. I only gave it a one because that's the lowest possible rating here on imdb.

Grade F / 1 out of 10.
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