One giant 'in joke' - funny and endearing if you 'get it' (if you don't, you likely won't last past the first 10 minutes)
4 June 2023
A monsterous "Creaturesaurus erectus" appears from somewhere and has to be stopped before monstrous things happen. The low-budget, borderline home-made, film is parody of/tribute to the fondly-remembered (but frequently maligned) low-budget sci-fi/horror films of the 1950s and early 1960s , and even the most ardent fans of the genre will find catching every reference challenging. While played strictly for laughs, the film neither mocks nor belittles the old films or the people behind them (personally, I enjoyed the original MST3K, but in 'Watch the Skys', his encyclopediac work on 50s sci-fi films, Bill Warren called the show "contemptable"). The one-off allusions to obscure genre films are relentless (e.g. A bar serves 'Zombies of Mora Tau') and there is some genuinely funny dialogue (interspersed with a lot of dead-in-the-water puns and sight-gags). The cast is full of actors (and characters) from the period (others have brief cameos) as well as a number of 'super-fans' (such as Forest Ackerman and Bob Burns) and film-historians (such as Bill Warren and Stuart Galbraith IV). Be warned: unlike the films being parodied, there is some juvenile scatological humour and gratuitous meta-nudity. Really, really dumb for the most part but a must-see for some people, a must-avoid for others, and a WTF for the bulk of the population. Rated and recommended with extreme prejudice. Stick around for the closing music.
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