Batman: The Joker Is Wild (1966)
Season 1, Episode 5
4 June 2023
What better combination would there ever be; veteran director Don Weis and Caesar Romero as the Joker. Weis had his hand in about every hit show on tv, and just before BATMAN directed the cult classic GHOST IN THE INVISIBLE BIKINI. While he was directing Batman he also did a ton of episodes for IRONSIDE. Caesar Romero may have landed the job as the wildly mad Joker due to his many comic performances on the RED SKELTON SHOW. One thing for certain, he was one heck of an actor, both in dramatic and comedic roles for decades. He may also have adapted the iconic Joker laugh from Margaret Hamilton's Wicked Witch of the West (THE WIZARD OF OZ). Ya think? They sound a lot alike, and that's what caught me by surprise. In perhaps the most ingenious escape plan ever, we get our very first glimpse of the Joker in prison, pitching for the baseball team. Beneath the pitcher's base is a giganic spring which elevates him up in the air and over the prison walls! Now that's original. His mission is to rob the Gotham Comedy Hall of Fame. Why not? If you look closely, Romero's famous moustache (which he did not want to shave off) is painted over in heavy white makeup.

Look for beautiful Nancy Kovack, playing Queenie.

Kavack was enormously popular in both movies and tv, and prior to this episode appeared in TARZAN AND THE VALLEY OF GOLD. Of course best remembered for the cult film JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS. A real reel camp episode, not to be missed. SEASON 1 EPISODE 5 dvd box set (remastered) in beautiful color.
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