Disjointed and run-of-the-mill Sixties Euro-spy movie co-produced by Spain and Italy
28 May 2023
Routine , full of action , tongue-in-cheek Euro-spy movie with usual components : pursuits , crossfire , struggles , strange artifacts , international conspiracy , explosive women and other tippings that used to show up in the genre , dealing with usual two-fisted secret agent , nicknamed 05-14 , Glen Foster who visits various glitzy European capitals in search of a diplomat who has some important documents about something or other. There are two diverse plot strings that eventually interlace each other . First, our agent has to deal with a scientist with a great extraordinary invention , a X-ray device small enough to fit on a tie-clip and it can see through walls . Second, Foster , the secret agent is assigned to protect a Vietnamese official who's traveling for talks with the U. N. His mission becomes more complicated when other agents who escorted the official for part of his journey start getting eliminated one by one. Meantime, Foster goes around romancing hot women and getting into some struggles , we see two more agents knocked with uncanny "diabolical devices" such as a tracking device he puts on a dog , a gas-bomb hidden in an lady agent's shower and a remote-controlled boat that runs down a swimmer and explodes all over him. As well as the pculiar gimmick of x-ray vision via a pair of contact lenses, it's being used by a playboy to cheat at cards , but Foster uses to spy on his girlfriend in bed, and after a shower , thus reinforcing his macho/voyeur credentials. Foster doesn't carry around any special weapons himself , but he does drive a customized car designed to compete with the ejection-seat version of Bond's Aston-Martin from the Goldfinger movie. When a bad guy stows away in the back seat of Foster's car, the whole back end of the auto breaks off, consigning the villain to a timely demise . At the end a noisy crossfire takes place around the barrels at a Tuborg Brewery in an extended bout of deadly product placement .

Average Euro-spy movie with ordinary ingredients : thrills , noisy action , plot twists , several villain roles , bare fist-fights unusually well choreographed, various international locations , shootouts including high body-count with bullets fly from time to time and being middlingly entertaining from start to finish . The story is a fun mess starting with silly chases and some spectacular locations from from the Riviera to Geneva to Paris to Casablanca Casbah , Málaga and to Copenhagen. Stars Roger Browne who gives a passable acting as the tough secret agent who's supposed to protect a Vietnamese envoy, some of whose protectors have already been mysteriously killed. Two of Foster's femmes are played by well-known Euro-babes , gorgeous Helga Liné and Jose Greci. At the end there's a slight reveal with respect to the unknown mastermind, though I can't claim that it's a major surprise and the reveal still doesn't palliate the Eurospy genre's sad lack of memorable villains . Happening mutual spying and silly confrontations with a lot of violent fights , leaps and crossfire . Colorful and so-so rendition about European spy subgenre , a prolific genre during the sixties , not taking any situation seriously . A fashion , but pedestrian regular spy film at the time, meaning it stuck to a lot of what was currently popular , but here including some embarrassing and nonsense scenes . Inspired by the success of the James Bond films, as this spy sub-genre borrows heavily from the OO7 series that at the time starred Sean Connery , such as : Dr No, From Russia with love , Thunderball, and Goldfinger . The content remains the same as the title : an unknown villain as mastermind , beautiful mini-skirt girls , along with ridiculous , uptight and extremely silly action set pieces from a today's point of view . A Sixties-style film usually has a short sell-by date , and this flick isn't exception . The leading role was ordinarily played by Sword and Sandals regular Roger Browne who was a popular as well as untalented player at the time , a tarnished actor who couldn't carry a rickety product like this . The script doesn't help him either , as it consists of the habitual intrigue to take on a powerful organitation , while our starring go around the world and actually tells no more than different people spying on and beating up each other in the hope of getting their nasty purports . Of course , with such a film from nostalgic and botcher ways , one does not count on high art work . It is staged in a hopelessly amateurish way , it shows us rows of bare fights and several confrontations with a number of dead people . As our starring behaving in such a twisted activity and so stupid manners so that committing usual mistakes on their own way . The screenplay works with unnecessary contradictions and implausibility , including disconcerting or ridiculous moments , and the story is thinner than it usually is in works of this kind , the Euro-spy sub-genre . However , the worn-out cinematography by Alfonso Nieva spoils the spectacle , being really necessary a perfect remastering because the film copy is really wasted . It has some flaws and gaps , as it does tend to get a bit old , including repetitive nature of some fight scenes , and excessive nonsense , but it has a bit of fun , at times, so it cares . The main and support cast -with everyone having amusement- are acceptable , slightly adequate to their functional characters . Appearing some familiar faces from the Sixties who worked in the habitual 60s , 70s sub-genres : Peplum, Spaghetti Western , Giallo, horror, Euro-thriller , as Spanish actors, such as : Sancho Gracia , Helga Liné, Ángel Ter , Rufino Inglés , José Riesgo and Italian ones : Carla Calò, Roberto Messina, Andrea Scotti , among others.

The motion picture was regularly directed by Osvaldo Civiriani . He was a craftsman who made several genres such as Western : ¨I due Figlio Di Trinitiy¨ , ¨I Figlio Dgango¨, ¨Died for a roller¨ , ¨Trusting is good shooting is better¨ ; Erotic movies as ¨Voodoo sex¨, ¨Sexy Prohibite¨, ¨Lucrecia¨, ¨Mayra Black Venus¨; Eurospy : ¨Case Becket¨ , ¨Operation Poker¨, and about car races as ¨Summer love¨, ¨2 Della Formula1¨ and adventure : ¨Kínder Lion of desert . Rating : 4.5/10 , inferior Spanish/Italian spy movie by specialist director Osvaldo Ciriviani .
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