La hermandad (2013)
Mystery and thriller set at a medieval monastery with interesting and suspenseful screenplay
20 May 2023
The picture contains thrills , suspense , mystery , intriguing issues , plot twists and results to be entertaining enough . Set in the cold and silent of a secluded monastery of Benedictine monks , followers of strict rules of poverty, chastity and obedience . There stays healing her wounds a famous writer of horror and mystery novels, Sara (Lydia Bosch) , a woman with an interior conflict , who has just suffered a serious car accident while driving throughout a dangerous and secluded crossroads in northern Italy . She must stay in bed in the monastery, where there is no electricity or telephone, but her curiosity as a writer does not take long to awaken with a number of details that call her attention. She has a deep fear in which posses an element of sadness and melancholy due to tragic past events . Along the way , Sara finds weird incidents : strange stains on the ceiling, infantile cries at night, an old photograph, a chilling book about the Brotherhood, its disturbing customs... something moves between the walls of the monastery inhabited by suspicious monks (Felipe García Vélez, Borja Elgea , Madariaga ,José S. Isbert , Tony Isbert , Ramón Lillo , José María Sacristán , Manuel Tallafé) . A dark secret is locked inside and she now she's about to come out !.

Spanish horror film full of thrills , suspense , chills , intrigue , twists and turns . It gives a terrifying and disturbingly view of a creepy monastery inhabited by some strange monks and our starring while recovering in bed, as she begins to feel curious about bizarre happenings . This ¨La Hermandad¨ or ¨The Brotherhood¨results to be a crossover among ¨ J. A. Bayona's The Orphanage or El orfanato¨ , ¨Guillermo del Toro's Devil's backbone or El espinazo del diablo¨ and ¨Jean-Jacques Annaud's The name of the rose or El nombre de la rosa¨. This is an acceptable and passable psychological thriller with horror and fantastic elements . This is a pretty decent picture and better than expected , whose methaphorical/poetic messsage glossing on historical and political realities . In fact , it contains some cultural references ; thus , the film refers to the Benedictine order founded by the notorious monk Saint Benedict of Nursia (Nursia, Umbria, 480 - Montecasino, Lazio, March 21, 547) who in 529 placed the center of his Order in the Monastery of Monte Cassino. This Order was characterized by strict rules, as Benedict wrote a rule for his monks, later known as the "Holy Rule", which was an inspiration for many of the other religious communities, including chastity, poverty and obedience with continuous prayers to God the Father. Benedict of Nursia was a Christian monk, considered the initiator of monastic life in the West and venerated as a saint by the Catholic, Orthodox and Lutheran Churches. He founded the Order of the Benedictines whose purpose was to establish monasteries based on autarky, that is, self-sufficient; they were commonly organized around the church with a basilica plan and the cloister. He is considered the patron saint of Europe and the patriarch of western monasticism . Presumably, according to the film, from this Order another would emerge, an ¨Order of Corregidores¨ that is a main issue in the story . It displays an impressive and rousing denouement in which director builds a surprising result with amazing as well as unexpected events . Impressive and spectacular production design , as the monastery well set , being shot in Ciudad de la Luz, Alicante, Comunidad Valenciana . It displays vivid performances from the main and support cast . Lydia Bosch is enjoyable as Sara , a popular novelist with a traumatic personal conflict who after suffering an accident, is hosted in a remote monastery in which inhabits an ancient brotherhood of Benedictine monks, who are played by nice actors , such as : Manuel Tafallé , José Luis de Madariaga, Felipe García Vélez , Ramón Lillo , José Maria Sacristán and the veteran Tony Isbert.

Special mention for the suspenseful and intriguing musical score by Arnau Ballester , he's an expert musician who's composed several hits and he has a considerable career composing national and international movies , such as : Way Down, A Perfect Day , The Vault, The Chain, Lucas, Salvation, Mediterraneo, among others. The motion picture was professionally directed by Julio Martí Zahonero in his film debut , though it has some flaws and gaps , failing at the box office. Rating : 6/10 . The flick will appeal to Spanish therror aficionados.
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