It is not the most entertaing version of the Alexandre Duma classics
16 May 2023
(1939) The Three Musketeers MUSICAL COMEDY ADVENTURE

Somewhat of a faithful adaption of Alexadre Dumas famous "Three Musketeers" except that in the film the real three musketeers are replaced by the comedy duo team of "The Ritz Brothers". Upon the real musketeers becoming drunk and being carried to their beds, the Ritz Brothers wore their costumes to pose as them so that they can try to get some of the perks at the expense of becoming a musketeer, and it was during that time they meet the fourth musketeer D' Artagnan played by Don Ameche who coincide with them to retrieve a very expensive broche. The story has somehow been adapted to "The Ritz Brothers" comedy routines, which some of the comedy scenes may have worked during the time of it's release in 1939 but very tame in today's standards. The comedy routines are identical to what one can find in "The Marx Brothers" or "The Three Stooges" except that they're well known as opposed to "The Ritz Brothers". The musical numbers was originally annoying but after "one" of the songs has been re-sung 3 times throughout the film, the impact of the song wasn't effective until the final end, and it was during that time when the song became catchy. Because it was supposed to be a comedy, I'm going to give it a respectable thumbs down.
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