Bullet to Beijing (1995 TV Movie)
Spy story? Rather a crime comedy that failed
4 May 2023
First of all, a Brit needs a visa to go to St. Petersburg , you can not get that on the border or airport it, takes days, only ships passengers can ashore in Russia for a matter of hours without a visa. Same goes for China, but there it takes weeks to get a visa, Mongolia I don't know about, but these requirements alone makes this unbelieavable.

And this is not apy film, it is some western crimes story set in the east, with the norks as bandits in cahoots with Russian bandits and a city woth 250 000 ingabitants is pictured like a village, where the local bar is in a grocery store. Run down lanes with passengers riding in bathrooms and flight desck makes you believe that the filmmakers changed their mind and opted for a comedy, rather bad.
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