Rockwell's Show
1 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm firing up the old DVD player tonight, and it's covered in all this year-old soot and dust.

Okay, enough with the flying drone introduction at the start credits already.

So, the deforestation of some woods is being paved to make way for the factory that was used in "Contamination.7," aka "Crawlers." There's a movie I should review, as some believe it's actually "Troll 3." I know this dude. He was the pizza guy in "Do the Right Thing." You'd want all customer service to be like his, not like the rude Asian couple who sells you batteries and calls you names like that.

From what I can gather, the pizza guy graduated to a supervisor who overlooks the construction site of "Contamination.7," and all the hired hands working under him despise him for no good reason until the budget runs out for the movie and they're all made redundant. No wonder that movie flopped so badly.

Some David Lynch weirdness sees unusual filming scenes in reverse and without explanation.

I'm probably not paying attention to their meaning, but I don't get it.

"Life is a drive down the road." Yeah, until the Zodiac tampers with your tires, picks you up, and threatens to kill you and your baby.

You've got to watch out for those detours, road humps, and roundabouts in life.

For every Zodiac, there are two Jeffrey Dahmer's out there. Life has a funny way of throwing obstacles at you. Did you ever see that comic strip where God is making the world and he has a pepper shaker with the label jerks on it?

The former pizza guy encounters a few oddballs on his way to Splashy Mountain, where he's under the impression that a childhood theme park will still be there in all its former glory, retaining that nostalgic touch from the late 60s, but like most theme parks back in the day, it's now a dilapidated, rundown dump that's worse than the one you see in "Freddy's Dead." (This part strikes a nerve as there are about three of these places around my area that are now overgrown with rust, weeds, memories, and snakes.) The former pizza guy hooks up with Davy Crockett, who used to work at Buc-ee's and is a few foibles short of my Aunty Marlene.

"Life is a tomato right off the vine." Yeah, and apparently it's a fruit and not a vegetable? I've never seen anyone order tomatoes and ice cream. I don't believe that crap about tomatoes being a fruit for one second. You don't put tomatoes in your fruit salad. I want an inquiry into the origins of that immediately!

What's with all these Forest Gump adages?

Isn't this the same set where Sam Rockwell lived in "Lawn Dogs?" I know it's too late to say this, but I think Rockwell and River Phoenix would have made a great movie together.

The cover of this movie is wrong to have Dermot Mulroney on it and no picture of Rockwell, as the movie belongs to Rockwell.

He steals the show again. (What, he never burped in this one?) The movie's about self-discovery as the inner-city former pizza guy rekindles his love of adventure and becomes a free spirit again.

He's reluctant to admit, or show, that he's a child again when finding himself and covers this well with the guise of a grown adult who has parental responsibilities and a position of authority. In short, what I'm trying to say is, Well, you know that adage about taking the stick out of your um? Yeah, there you go! That's this guy. It's safe to say that one could say to him, "Why so serious?" Turturro's stuck-up ways - with the stick - proved that he was an unlikeable character.

This gun scene in the "Contamination .7" factory is what it's all about. What a blast!

Literally, what a blast!

It's not a movie that can be described in a written review; it has to be seen to be experienced.

And you have to put yourself in either Rockwell's or Turturro's shoes.

You're one or the other. And you can relate to one of them.

I'm a little bit of both.

But I've never found myself, nor will I ever, for that matter.

If you must know, I'm halfway stuck between being a city person and a country person in one. (Hard to explain.)

I still like "Lawn Dogs" better.
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