There's Good and Bad
28 April 2023
The good thing about this one is that it's only 100 minutes long. The bad thing is, it's 100 minutes that you'll never get back. I suppose there are some redeeming features if you watch as just a mindless action flick, which is why I gave it three stars instead of one. I just get so annoyed with films produced by people who have no clue about how the military operates, much less about how it was in World War II. How hard is it to just find a veteran, not even a military film consultant? In the first 14 minutes and 55 seconds of this film, I had already submitted four factual errors and an anachronistic error. How can you have a US Army captain address a US Army master sergeant as a US Marine Corps master gunnery sergeant? Then, later on, a US Army major general addresses that same master sergeant as a different USMC rank (gunnery sergeant)!

There's also a guy who opens a switchblade with both hands.

Those are just a few examples of the dumb mistakes in this thing.

It just boggles the mind how ridiculously careless filmmakers are these days, and yeah, I get it; they're amateurs, or first time filmmakers, or looking for a tax write-off, or whatever, but do 30 minutes of research or ask a veteran... smh.
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