oh dear...
26 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A great premise, great actors, brilliant sets, good characters, and they managed to turn it into a meh, twee lurve story where essentially, not a lot happened.

Perhaps I'm disappointed because of all the hyped up marketing before the release, but it was a yawn-fest and I wandered away to do laundry the first time I watched it. That's my litmus test - did I prefer laundry? Yes I did.

I then sat down to watch it again, thinking that I hadn't given it a fair go. So I went in for round two and did the whole thing.

Yet another film where the side stories are far more intriguing than the main one we're served.

I really didn't understand how they could bore me - I LOVE THIS STUFF. So sorry, but you can't pack it full of elves and goblins and awesomeness, and just rely on that. You need a main story that's INTERESTING! You Need a punchy, clever dialogue, this had none of that.

I fondly remember films like Dragonslayer with Ralph Richardson... it was interesting, I still watch it! This new stuff isn't up to snuff. Dslayer was a love story, but that wasn't the main serving, the story itself was the meat of it, the rest just influenced the main events. It was constructed well, unlike this film.

I would have loved to know a lot more about the side issues, the door system, the back story of the goblins, this could have been Great! But it came second to laundry.

The Portable Door was just meh, a long old bore. And how anyone could make Christoph Waltz into a bore is beyond me, they need a medal for that. More and more films are in the running for the top prize in the Mediocrity Stakes, I just despair of modern film at times. Chris and co did the best they could, but it just missed the mark somehow.

In future, I will actively avoid this film.
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