Hot Garbage in Celluloid 80's style
12 April 2023
I don't even know where to start with this disaster. After reading that it wasn't even the fim the director/screen-play writer intended, but a grafted sequel to the nearly as horrible "Alien from LA" it makes a bit of sense how this film came to be.

Yet as a piece of cinematic work it makes absolutely no sense. It's as if a film-school group got an assignment and each did their own thing without consulting the others. There was obviously some budget for this - like maybe enough to do a SciFi movie on the BBC or some young adult movie network. The sets aren't necessarilly good, but they are obviously done with great effort and at least moderate expense. The costumes are also done up as though someone was trying to make a decent movie even if the overall visual appeal is... questionable. However the actors are definitely from the bargain bin. I'm not sure if it's quite their fault, or simply bad material... but the characters stink on ice.

It's truly not a good movie. It could be a 'so-bad-it's-good' film for some; but most are going to get more value and entertainment out of things like laundry, or doing dishes, or mowing the lawn for an equivalent amout of time. I'm not sure if you could even make a decent drinking game out of it... just drink and skip the film maybe.
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