Supergirl goes to school...in the 31st century
2 April 2023
Basically Supergirl travels into the future to train with the heroes of the title. There's kind of a Young Adult vibe, multiple romantic interests, Wolverine-like superhero Timberwolf, some interesting stuff about the Brainiac dynasty...and it begins with yet another depiction of the destruction of Krypton, although it's from Kara's POV.

Nice animation, good voice work, more instances of the needless gore that stops these movies being suitable for younger viewers...it's a decent enough entry, but there's not much to it.

It has similarities with the previous animated movie Batman/Superman: Apocalypse, which also featured an unhappy, fish-out-of-water Supergirl leaving Metropolis to train with a bunch of super beings - in that case, Wonder Woman's island of amazons.

The two most notable things are that the plot actually builds on a seemingly disposable moment from Justice Society - World War II; and the post-credit sequence, which nicely sets up a bigger story ahead.
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