Terrible Execution...
22 March 2023
Oh dear Pooh... What happened to you and your (beloved) kid-friendly franchise...

At first, when the movie was announced, I was pretty surprised to see how a supposedly kid-friendly franchise like Pooh, being turned into something animalistis and sadistic like this? But again, I'm always a positive person and will always welcome a new idea.

So, when the trailer first hit the internet, I saw it and kinda liked the idea to a point where I was pretty excited to see the outcome. But upon watching it, I finally realized that I've wasted 86 minutes of my life for a movie that's badly produced.

Don't get me wrong, this movie actually has potential if executed properly. Gory and slasher movies still have great values, as long as it's executed nicely. Sadly, that's not the case with this one. Bad direction, bad lighting, bad script, bad story, bad acting, bad costume. Nothing good can be said about this one. Oh wait.. maybe one good thing is there: the killing and the gore.

Things I really hated about the movie is mainly on the following:

1. Actors and actresses who was pretty bland on the acting... 2. Terrible and inconsistent dialogue (10 minutes into the movie and I already felt like wanted to stop watching it because of the dialogue...) 3. Story which is under-developed 4. Bad costumes... (I mean, come on. In this era, where you can create a believable monster like Kingkong and Godzilla, but yet, the creatures just looked like over-juiced villain cosplaying as Pooh and Piglet, while going all Jason-esque style murder spree?)

I'm sorry, but I really don't recommend it, unless you really have lots of free time to spare and don't mind your childhood lovable-stories got butchered and turned upside down into full gore-style killing spree genre.

I still give it 3 stars out of 10, because I want to at least appreciate the idea, which again, is sadly, badly executed.
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