Review of Liverleaf

Liverleaf (2018)
Revenge "horror" executed fantastically
1 March 2023
Before the movie even gets 15 minutes in, it is already difficult not to feel bad for Haruka. The bullies are relentless, and the teachers do nothing to help as the school will be closing in one year, and they want to "maintain the peace".

Her parents are absolutely disgusted by this, and try to console her, and keep an eye out by going to look for her if she doesn't get home at her usual time. They even tell her she can quit attending the school as the burden has grown so intense. Haruko's parents are very loving, as is her sister who always keeps an eye out for her. When offered the opportunity to quit going to school, she accepts it, but this only ends up shifting the bullying to another person.

After a few days of being away from school, Haruko and Mitsuru, the only person who stands up for her at school, go out together. During which time, the person who has now fallen victim to the bullying sets her house on fire, killing her beloved parents, and injuring her sister greatly.

That is essentially the synopsis and beginning fleshed out, after that, the story truly begins. As you can imagine, the rest of the movie is a complete revenge flick once she truly snaps.

When she does snap, it is something that makes the viewer think, "you go Haruka!". The antagonists were written for us to hate them, for us to side with Haruka. Morals go out the window when you are dealing with things this intense, and that is probably why the writers wrote the antagonists to be such easy to hate characters.

While she was essentially a very caring, compassionate, and strong young woman prior to this all, once this happened she became a truly intense force with no intention of stopping until she has exacted her revenge.

There are a few surprises in the movie to say the least, despite how straightforward the plot is. One of the twists is a bit smaller, but still interesting and explains some things, and the other twist is much bigger. This twists ends up leading to an even more unexpected ending. These kinds of movies obviously don't have happy endings, so don't expect to be smiling after this is over!

Revenge horror films are not uncommon in any country. There are plenty of them made in many countries, but Japan can really take it to the next level with revenge flicks usually. I mean, realistically many J-Horror are revenge flicks in a sense given that even in ghost movies it is for revenge. Revenge and vengeful spirits plays a major role in Japanese horror and psychological movies.

Gore wise, it does get fairly gory at some parts, but nothing too intense like certain another movies...

As for the acting, most of the actors did pretty good.

Cinematography wise, the element of snow and blood went quite nicely together, but the snow in general made it more atmospheric.

There could have definitely been more atmospheric setup if some music was implemented...That part in particular is a let down, because some unsettling music would've really helped to make the atmosphere more intense. The music is very subtle and almost nonexistent. Honestly, I'd probably give this 9 stares if there had been a more of a soundtrack. Like I stated, it really has very little music, and none really serves to highlight the intensification of the story.

It is a good movie, but I'm not sure how soon I'll be re-watching it! As you can imagine, such films are ones you have to be in the mood for, or just checking out, or showing to someone else, etc. If I am ever in the revenge flick mood though, this will probably be on the list of what to watch!!
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