27 February 2023
Surprised by these ratings. I know it won't win - the elephants will and I will be happy with it - but this is my favorite of the 5 short docs at these Oscars.

As someone who loves narrative stuff, loves character arcs, and redemption stories, this is clearly a winner. I didn't know about this story or this man. I don't even know if all of this is true. I know that how this was told and edited, did convince me and it touched me.

Of course, I wanted to hate this man. What he planned to do is unspeakable. Of course, he was racist. But...have I ever been on his feet? Did I have his childhood, his teenage years, fighting and killing at war? No. And I would bet all my money that neither 99.9% of the haters here.

In a black or white world - I hate social media and what it made to us, beings with zero nuance - only dialogue and understanding can guarantee that this planet will be destroyed by itself and not by us very soon.
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