The Persuaders!: The Gold Napoleon (1971)
Season 1, Episode 2
The Gold Napoleon
23 February 2023
This is regarded as the favourite episode of both Moore and Curtis.

Maybe because it guest starred Susan George and she does look gorgeous. Shock horror, she looks like she might not even make it to the opening credits. She is shot.

George plays Michelle Devigne who seems to be the target of an assassination attempt. The alternative being Danny Wilde was the intended person to be killed.

Judge Fulton reckons Michelle is involved in a gold coin scam via her uncle. She is doing the designs for the coins. Her uncle is involved with some shady gangster called Pullicino in the south of France.

Brett Sinclair pretends to be a German gold dealer who can get his hands on some Nazi loot. Unfortunately his actions get the uncle killed by Pullicino.

Meanwhile Danny breaks into Pullicino's warehouse but gets caught.

There are a few nice car chases, some comedy from both Danny and Brett. It is not a great story in my opinion, a bit too cheesy. Not the gold standard.
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