Getting More Corny, Also in Good Ways
19 February 2023
8 years later comes the second and last theatrical release of any "Children of the Corn" installments, and it picks up the story right after the events of the first part. At this point the story has nothing to do with Stephen King. The tragedy of Gatlin has grabbed attention, and the remaining children are sheltered in the neighboring town, encased in corn fields just the same. A journalist and his rebellious son arrive to write a story, but end up battling evil teenagers instead.

This is a straight-up campy, corny, goofy 90's horror film that might as well been released in 1980 - if you're an enjoyer of this niche, this one entertains. The plot, the characters and acting behind them, are collectively full of cheese and convenience on varying levels. Plenty of garden variety plot clichés with little meat on them. From quick, horny and corny love interests to Indian spirits. Instead of looking for a stand-out performance, given this time to the more likeable character (even if on rather cartoonish terms), I'll soon have to look for the corniest performance instead. All together it makes a silly horror film that's rightfully entertaining on those terms. It has dropped from being a B movie desperately reaching for an A level to a B movie getting much comfier on the B level. The most appreciated change-up is the addition of gore, creative and sometimes hilarious death scenes. It's an ingredient I've to come to love and expect from an average 80's-90's horror film, and this one has the fun variety of B horror kills, whereas the first installment had little to none of that.

There's not much to be said, other than that it's one big slice of camp, and god knows where else this franchise will take me. I don't imagine the reviews will be very long, so enjoy. My rating: 4/10.
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