Out of all the decisions you've done in animation, Lionsgate... A Norm of the North sequel?
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Lionsgate, you've done petty decisions with animation before. Make 7 unnecessary Alpha and Omega sequels when one was good enough, fund production for Santa, Inc., take over all the Rock Dog sequels from Summit even though I've never seen them, "I have the whole world tussy," but this... This is one of your worst decisions you have ever done in your company's history! After Norm of the North failed at the box office despite the (wasted) talents of Bill Nighy, Ken Jeong and Rob Schnieder, you decided to let bad films be bad films, right? WRONG! You got greedy, and decided to make a NOTM sequel? The animation is even worse than the first, and there's a bunch of laziness and plot holes all around! Norm's son is a recycled version of young Norm from the first movie, the design for Chinatown in the movie is so poor and highly offensive (it's just a generic city with Chinese lanterns hanging around), and some of the polar bears, when standing on all four but still grabbing things with their forepaws, don't have thumbs! No freakin' THUMBS! And what about the plot holes? Don't get me started. Fong is the world's richest anthro rabbit who runs the Bank of Chinatown, and he's the only animal other than Norm and his son that every other human understands? What the hack, LG? And what about Jim the seal? All the other seals in the NOTM movies can't speak, but Jim CAN?! And why let animals announce the hockey game if no one's gonna understand them? What about that old lady Norm just met after arriving in New York and why he suddenly cares for her like she's a long-known family friend? Did you drug the writers for this movie, Lionsgate? The only good thing I like about this movie is Rob Schneider not returning for this movie, because his career was already going under. It's not just Schneider I'm happy to see go from this movie, but Bill Nighy of Love, Actually and The Magic Roundabout (not Weinstein's HORRIBLE edit) fame, too. If Nighy ever reprised his role as Socrates, not that he'd want to, he would've been lynched by the Lionsgate hate-base and his own fans. My point of advice, court-martial Lionsgate from the animation industry and never trust any animated, no, better than that, ANY movie with The Dove Foundation's "Family Approved" seal. Burn all copies of this movie at all costs! Make sure it never sees the eyes of future generations!
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