29 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Hays code what? Hays code where???

You could of fooled me into thinking this movie and era didn't have such codes.

Lily, a shy, childlike girl comes to live with her aunt, working in her book shop, meets a neighbor who is a sculptor, asks her to pose for him. Her agreeing, sneaks off the next night, only to find he wants her to pose nude. Her being shy, she declines, until he tells her its ok and she doesn't have to do it. She then agrees to do it and they fall in love.

When the sculpture is done, a purchaser (baron) sees the work and realizes hes fallen in love with her.

The baron consorts a mean plan to Richard, telling him he wants her for himself and will do anything to have her. Richard scared, he leaves.

Lily sneaks off the same time Richard runs away, lily cries in the studio and the baron schemes a plan for himself, to make her his wife and to make Richard jealous and be in control. Lily, still a naive girl, hears the words no hurt woman wants to hear "he never loved you". She promises to marry the baron, and they marry into a loveless marriage on her side.

However length of times goes by, the baron has her mind busy with learning to speak french, learning to play piano, learn horse back, learn how to dance, but with all of the day to day activities, we can painfully see she is unhappy. She cries and we see the baron smile to knowing she is still his and not Richards. A female worker of the baron schemes a plot to stir up some sort of drama, tells the horse riding instructor (Walter), that lily is in love with him and not the baron, he goes off and makes a pass at lily during one of the riding sessions. Her turned off, turns him away and they return to the house.

The baron thinking she is over Richard, asks her is she is ready to see Richard and asks to to have dinner with him and Richard. She agrees like an obedient wife. Saying yes to everything he says and only lets him hear what he wants to hear.

The dinner finally happens, we see the baron enjoying the moment too much while lily and Richard are visibly upset and depressed. Lily storms off and Richard follows. She DOES want him to feel the same pain and backslap as he gave her. Her knowing he knows she doesn't love the baron, and that it would be all too easy for Richard to get her feelings back, she lies telling him that there is a secret lover- the horse riding instructor...Walter. He doesn't believe it so lily tells him to just watch. As she enters Walters house, we see the shutters close to indicate.....connect the dots..... but we see in the house, as Walter sweeps her off her feet, her dress catches and knocks over a candle right as the bedroom door closes behind them....moments later the house is on fire, but we see both come out safely.

The female worker who plotted to make drama with the riding instructor and lily, sneaks lily off the premises and tells her to run away...most likely not for lily's sake.

Time goes by and we see a very different lily, shes matured, she dresses sophisticated, she drinks champagne even though her youth self didn't enjoy it due to headaches, she tells men off and is headstrong of her word. She has made adult friends and we see her eating and singing to the crowd.

We see Richard walking into the restaurant and spots her singing, they make eye contact and they begin to talk in the studio. We see he didn't sell the nude piece of her to anyone, not even the baron. She has a flashback of the first moment she stepped in the studio. Shy, reserved, childlike....we see her smoking, and upset and not at all childlike anymore. She calls her past, love struck, self pretty much stupid. She goes off and destroys the piece. Last moments are him reassuring that things are different and they can start anew. Fade out and end... .

Marlene did an amazing job here, expressing her evolution of being a shy timid youngster in love to a sophisticated adult who doesn't let people walk all over her like how the baron did.

Like i said- Hays code where???? Nude sculptures everywhere, indications of lily being nude, Richard kissing her nude, a lot of read-between-the-lines moments that under-age people wont get. It will fly over peoples heads. Back then yes they had the Hays code but they had a very smart way of letting audience get a taste of pg-13 and a bit R taste. Just a hint. Very sensual piece. I love Marlene here. She did fantastic.
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