Weakest Beast (2018)
Seikatsu dekireba nandemo!
24 January 2023
I wonder why this is called "Weakest Beast".. When translated : "Kemono" > "Beast" + "narenai" > "won't become" + watashitachi > "we" or "us" = "We won't become Beasts".

This drama attempts to cover a lot of meaningful ground and a wide variety of topics that haunt most people. Who do we live for? Am I really needed where I am.. and can I leave knowing the responsibilities that I'll disregard, or the problems that will cause to those that depend on me? Am I doing the right thing? Why do kind people that are unable to decline a request for help get taken advantage of? Social withdrawal (hikikomori) and many more. At its core, it gives a lot to think about and discuss. There are a lot of interesting moments that are well framed and foment introspection. For example, "the longer you are forced to coinhabit with a situation.. the more irritating and unacceptable it becomes" is the kind of feeling this series gave me at the beginning. People put through the kind of situations you normally would not accept in your own life.. but humans don't work like that, and they take it because they can't imagine they deserve better than they have. Because they are afraid of change or don't want something worse than the comfort-zone they are in. Most fight for it and regret it. Most wallow in their own misery and allow others to continue trampling them.

This series does a great job at putting you in such mindset! And you'd scream at the characters on screen that "It is enough! DO something already!" and the "if it were me!".

Sadly, it goes on for too long and as a series, it is hardly satisfying. In fact, while I quite liked the final episode (due to the predictable resolution and release of all that happened to the leads), it feels a tad hollow, disappointing and unearned. It doesn't miss the mark, but I could hardly care because of how it got there and what it means. I can't bring myself to say I enjoyed it, or that I understand what was the point it tried to come across 10 episodes of 1 hour each that couldn't be said in 2 hours.

... I believe this is the sort of work that doesn't suit Aragaki Yui-san (even if it is infinitely better with her in it).

Most of the cast are well defined and have good characters.. it's just that the developments and context is poorly written! There are a few oddballs that are more ANNOYING and cartoonish than I could tolerate.. The male lead being a dud that makes no sense in the end doesn't help.

The dialogue is hard to follow, even for Japanese! As available subtitles online don't help much and translating it myself was a bit of a chore.. this because some characters say "nonsense" trying to be quirky. I mean, I get it.. but what does it add?

Many choices of colorful music ruin some scenes, and the tone is strange. Consider the mature topics and how heavy something is.. only to be cut by the bouncy title screen with cheerful music and the sound of something like a Tiger clashes with the mood it had going on. And the pacing is generally slow.

This might be entirely based on my preferences.. but I have a hard time accepting inefficient things and those that don't make sense. The problem of finding them in a drama, is that you can't change or fix any of them.. the "package is consumed as is" and there's no room for anything else. Being that the case, I would consider that any type of review is acceptable as long as there's a basis for it, even if people don't agree with it and find it completely wrong. Someone out there, probably, will feel in a similar way.. so there's value to things. Just like it would for someone watching this series.

Conceptually, and in a few places, it has a great premise and ideas!

Two pairs of couples intersect mainly through a Tap Bar. They each have things going on for them and it develops from there! Be it work, relationships, things from the past and those to come. But the way it meanders and chases its own tail for so long, with poorly executed and the lack of endearing moments makes this a chore and a failure. The world feels real and lived in, but as a constructed piece.. it leaves a lot to be desired!

I would love to read other reviews of this show, in case I'm "missing the forest for the trees".
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