Red Ridge (2006)
Rides high on interest, but no so brains
4 January 2023
In the first 10 minutes, it was easy to pass this off as what I pretty well, expected the quality of this film to be like. Riding on too little. But this B grade pic, with it's share of faults, gets more engrossing, as it goes along. There are some pathetic moments, as there are some pathetic and sick characters. Human trafficking movies, obviously sell, like fodder, and you could fare worse than this one. Some underwritten characters, but not some bad performances from few, where we have a strong appealing male lead, with a bit of a sobriety problem, who becomes of course the hero, while I wasn't at home, with some of his attitude. Coming across a damsel in distress, a HT escapee victim, he soon becomes caught up, and framed as the shooter of this crooked cop, involved in this illegal enterprise, true as today's head lines. Things get worse, when his ex is trapped in this house off ill repute, a sort of holding tank for slave victims, before being auctioned off. The ex's yummy half clad daughter, is chained to a bed with her. There's many many amateur patches, where to me, I kind if respect this sort of Indie film making. RR isn't half a bad pic, but it's not good. There's predicability too. And the young actress would of been in much more pain, if three of her toe's were snapped, at a joint, or on the part of the abducter, having keys to a set of a cuffs, in arm's reach of the enslaved, who's wrists weren't both cuffed to the bed railing behind. I do like, how the likeable family come together, at the end. Kind a striking movie cover too. Some truly repellent bad guys in this too.
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