Total Tripe
24 December 2022
One reviewer said "not quite up to Agetha Christy." Whoever thought up this "project" isn't worthy of reloading the ink in Agetha's fountain pen. The real mystery is how any of the cast could be enticed to appear in what is a painful, hour-long extension of what would make the worst Saturday Night Live skit in history (and they have aired some doozies). Are they really that desperate for a paycheck?

For one thing, Jason Bateman can only play one character: Jason Batement. His quippish line delivery is always the same, regardless of the movie, and it gets boring pretty quickly. Jason never gets lost in the character. The character gets lost in Jason.

When Pete Davidson shows up, he seldom adds anything. Instead of trying to be an actor, perhaps Pete should be content with being famous for being friends with someone famous for nothing more than being famous.

This is NOT improv at its best. It's a bunch of people who can't improvise thinking that they can. Reviews often contain the lament "X hours of my life I'll never get back." Avoid this mess and waste your time some other way.
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