Glorious (2022)
Low stakes indie flick makes good on a wacky idea
15 December 2022
The premise alone should let you know if this is for you. Are you the kind of person would be amused by a Lovecraftian monster in a rest stop glory hole? Does that appeal to your sensibility?

While clearly low brow, it doesn't cross the line into gross out territory as much as it could have, and stays as classy as a movie that takes place entirely in a bathroom possibly could. While there's little that's expressly funny or scary, there's an intrigue to the somewhat novel concept, keeping you interested in how it will all play out. I'll admit that a good deal of the novelty comes from an appreciation for J. K. Simmons, that dude rules, and even though he's never on screen, I can picture him delivering the lines, and that makes me smile a bit.

Its feel is reminiscent of a horror short made for a show like Cabinet of Curiosities or Tales From the Crypt, and with it's lean runtime, it's not too far off from one of those. It's eye on the prize simplicity delivers the goods before it wears out it's welcome, giving you just what you came for, nothing more, nothing less.
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