Review of Backfire

Backfire (1950)
This was a surprisingly enjoyable noir watching G.I. Gordon McRae solve the mystery of what happened to his friend.
13 December 2022
Gordon McRae, who is more famous for his musicals like Carousel, plays an injured G. I. named Bob Corey who has returned from the war with a serious back injury. While he is recuperating he is visited in the middle of the night, while on a strong sedative, by a mysterious woman with an accent. She tells him his friend, fellow soldier, and future ranch partner Steve Connelly has been injured and is on the verge of death. He is also contemplating suicide. Bob tells the mysterious woman to tell Steve to hold on for ten days...the length of time until the doctor said he would be released from the hospital.

Upon his release Bob is picked up by the police and told by Police Captain Garcia (Ed Bagley) that his friend Steve Connelly is wanted for murder. Bob is convinced that his friend couldn't be a murderer and remembering the mysterious women sets out with the help of a sweet nurse and his love interest Julie Benson (Virginia Mayo) to find Steve and prove he is innocent.

This is a great mystery with a nice twist and just a little bit of Christmas...given to us through Christmas carols. This noir really surprised me and I enjoyed it more than I expected to. I recommend this to both mystery and noir fans...and Gordon McRae fans as this was a different role for him. It was nice to see the struggles of the G. I.'s portrayed on film as well as the camaraderie and brotherhood that was developed while they were in service.
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