Rent-an-Elf (2018 TV Movie)
A Holey And Predictable Christmas Story That Still Managers To Entertain And Bring Joy.
6 December 2022
Greetings, salutations, and a seasonal welcome to all you movie aficionados. Here are my considerations and recommendation for Rent An Elf.

Story: 0.75/2 - Direction and Pace: 2.50/4 - Performances: 1.50/2 - Enjoyment: 1.25/2

Total 6.00/10

Okay, so the story for this little Xmas Romance is rather weak. The writer has mapped Ava and Liam's courtship a tad too formally. Step one is the initial meet-up; step two is the business proposal; step three is the second meeting. And so on. Plenty of writers use the formulaic approach: However, in Rent an Elf, you can practically see the writer's notes. Because of this factor, you can easily deduce what's around the bend for the players in our tale. This knowledge isn't too Earth-shattering - it's a Christmas Love Story, so you know it'll have a Seasonally Sweet Happy Ending. But what hinders most are the continuities. For example, Ava's meeting Liam at a party a year earlier. However, when he calls to arrange a special Chrimbo for his Kid, not only does she remember him, but the name of his son. Now that is a little far-fetched, especially as Ava's been a Rent-a-Cupid, Rent-a-Bunny, and even a Rent-a-Pumpkin in-between times running her catering and entertainment business. A plethora of people have passed by her ever-changing personality, but she remembers everything from that one chance meeting - yeah, right(?) Putting aside the incredulities of the writer's prerogative in driving the story forward, the characterisations are slightly strange. Especially when you come to the ex-missus Jojo and the dubious employee Jimmy (who would seem more at home at Rent A Serial Killer than as Santa's little helper - well, maybe Satan's Little Helper). That said, Jojo's over-the-top oddballness helps to make the movie slightly more entertaining in the comedic-cringe elements. Without her and the scary elf, the picture would've been unremarkably average. Luckily, the performers are more than on their game. Their portrayals of the characters are excellent, which is splendid because Nicholle Tom adds a weird believability to the fantastical Jojo.

On the whole, Rent An Elf isn't too terrible a Xmas movie; it's a half-notch above most pictures making the rounds at the moment. The director keeps everything simple and even adds a smidgen of a heartwarming atmosphere to this tale of a dysfunctional family. Making it an ideal movie to enjoy on a cold and wet afternoon, should you have little else planned(?)

Please check out my HO! HO! HO! Christmas Belles list to see where I ranked the movie.

Take Care, Stay Well, And Best Wishes For A Merry Christmas.
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