No conclusion
3 December 2022
They did try to show a motley group of people with different experiences with the drug. The results ranged from great success to driving a person to suicide.

It seems the person who fared the best was the woman who tries to take it ONLY a few times a month when she is feeling at her worst.

What I didn't like was offering SSRIs as an alternative. I took Paxil for a while and the side effects were unbearable and getting off them was no picnic. They might not be technically addictive but you cannot stop cold turkey.

A few of the people they profiled were unbelievably IRRITATING. You couldn't help but wonder of THAT was their real problem in life.

My sympathies to anyone dealing with depression and anxiety. The world is a tough place for anyone intelligent and sensitive. Now if we could really make the world an easier place, we wouldn't have to dope ourselves, would we?
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