Great performance from both actors, kinda hard to watch
30 November 2022
While I loved the script, the acting, the cinematography.. the realism in the relationship and all the emotions.. and I wanted to binge watch it, all five episodes..

That urge to finish is was also because I didn't want to get back to it later.

The actors and director and writers did a beautiful job, making it so recognisable. So Probably for a lot of people, and maybe some will recognise themselves, (of some of their, precious or current, relationships), in just a few moments, some will feel it resembles a lot of a their own struggles or pain in a love that's lost..

Eitherway it's very human. It feels very real. The cheating on one another, the fights, the conversations, the sex, the personal psychological process a person goes through, the process of saying goodbye, but then also the not wanting to let go.

Like you keep longing for something that is not there anymore, maybe you'll never be able to recreate what was there once.

I really loved that realism, and the moment the moment the moral high ground is lost in the middle of the characters. I loved the last episode. Cause it just rings true.

And the concept of love, and how love can hurt you so much, but how we keep longing for that love.

Okay it's just plain good. But for me, the first four episodes where a little hard to watch, the last one made it, for me personally, less depressing and painful.

I guess that is what really good stories do to you right? They make you feel something.

I wouldn't say I was entertained. I was more touched.

Happy I watched it, wouldn't recommend it to anyone who hasn't lived through a very serious break up... or to someone who is in the middle of one. For the rest of us: i think it's a beautiful story. Not one to miss. It just rings true.
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