Was this trip really necessary?
27 November 2022
The above summary is a quote from World War II. It was meant to encourage folks at home NOT to do unnecessary travel, due to the shortage on oil and tires. Well, the same quote can be used to describe "A Christmas Story Christmas". Was it really necessary? Not really. Now this is NOT to say that this new film is bad...it's not. I just don't think it was needed, nor adds anything to the original 1983 film, "A Christmas Story".

This new film counts on one thing...nostalgia. Again and again, references are made to the old film and the film tries to create a nice early 70s Christmas vibe. But here is the problem: the most exciting character from the first film, Darren McGavin, is dead, as well as the nearly complete absence of comedy...comedy that made the original film so beloved. Instead, all it has left is nostalgia...a longing for McGavin and a longing for bygone days...but nothing really more.
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