False tributes
27 November 2022
The over-emotional and syrupy tributes by the dancers after they have got knocked out are so sugary that my diabetes has got worse.o The quivering lips and catches in the voice as they say how wonderful their partner has been is very staged. They always say how they will be friends for life and stay in touch. Lets go forward 10 years and see if that is tbe case. Also the thump..thump..thump of the clapping is very irritating as is the whoiping at the end of what can be quite basic routines. Very often some weaker dancers get 7 when a 4 would be more appropriate. Once a judge picks up on a couple of errors they should be marked dowm. Craig usually has the right idea...hit them where their ability deserves. The show is too formulaic and predictable these days...a rest would be a good idea. There is always one couple that go on a 'journey' ar the expense of much stronger dancers. Ps why are the dancers in the same costumes on Sunday after 24 hours? The judges and presenters have a change.
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