A cry for humanizing the dehumanized
26 November 2022
How precious is a person's life? Is putting away people for ungodly amounts of time for a mistake the right way to dabble with the issue of the threat they pose?

I know little about incarceration and such issues but am pulled to think there's a better way than tossing in the trash the ONE life people have, indulging in our negligence to better them, regardless of the crime (though there's clearly harsh outliers), it's definietly a complex issue.

We're shown a heartbreaking scene of a kind of hell we humans have agreed upon. Decade after decade of rejections for freedom just strike a chord in me, I think of how mistaken I was about something I did some time ago and how I've changed as a person in a reasonably short amount of time and to extrapolate that situacion to someone facing long prision time is just soul crushing.

That's the feeling that gripped me through my first watch, the horror of having time dillute within those walls as your youth and potential fade away. Hopefully hummanity moves towards a state where true rehabilitation is achievable within no more than a couple years, with the right tools, psychoterapy, love and understanding I don't think it's too delusional of an idea, for a good part of those who've lost their freedom anyways.

Nonetheless, the ability of the characters to navigate the horrible hand they've been dealt and to find meaning through friendship and hope is envigorating, forced to look at the long road ahead and make up their mind on how to approach it, with an undying desire to see another day, a better day.

Both sad and inspiring film, mellow, tender and rewarding.
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