Deadstream (2022)
Very entertaining and dark humored found-footage gorefest.
22 November 2022
A ghost poet who forces the dead to learn her poems, an egotistical streamer looking for likes, Melanie Stone in a geek-possessed way, gore and humor.

What else do you need?

"Deadstream" is hilarious: A kind of mix "Evil Dead" with "Blair Witch Project".

It also deals with Horror common topics such as evil possession, Electronic-Voice-Recordings, evil incantations, and supernatural entities living in a house, where tragedy occurred many years ago.

Low budget with 🖤.

Among the pleasant surprises of Horror in 2022.

Seriously, Melanie Stone is quickly becoming a familiar face in Horror; the lady is empathetic, charismatic, and so far, I have enjoyed her performances in everything I've seen her in (like "V/H/S 1999".
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