19 November 2022
I don't know about you, but for me, It's nearly impossible to wrap my mind around the hard, cold fact, that the original "A Christmas Story" was pretty much ignored when it opened in theaters in 1983. But after years of rotation on cable television during the holiday season it ultimately achieved its current status as a much respected and deeply loved Yuletide classic.

In my opinion this new "installment" was long overdue. And thank goodness this film ignores all of the unofficial "sequels," (and unless you are a degenerate fan of Ralph and the Gang then you should plan on ignoring them too).

A Christmas Story Christmas picks up in 1973, and stars the now middle-aged Peter Billingsley reprising his role as Ralphie Parker. He's a grown man, with a wife and kids. He's finally abandoned Cleveland for Chicago where he's hoping to find success in getting his first book published. But just as importantly, Ralphie is looking forward to spending a Christmas holiday visit with his parents. There is no reason to discuss more of the plot (why spoil it for you?). Moreover other wonderful IMDb reviewers have done this quite thoroughly.

I think a little bit of Ralphie exists in most people. The time you spend with your family during the holiday season rarely makes up for the time spent apart during the rolling year. Ralphie cherishes the memories of growing up with a loving family. His own fleeting childhood was so much more simple than his now more complicated adult life. If anything else, A Christmas Story Christmas establishes what's changed with many of the original characters now that they've become adults. That plot line alone makes this a worthy watch!

No spoilers here as usual but I can reveal that Melinda Dillon was unavailable to reprise her role as Ralphie's mother as she had completely retired from acting by 2007.
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