Yikes, what a colossal disappointment
16 November 2022
Plot goes like this: Agent 00 (Weng Weng, under 3-foot tall Filipino superspy) has to track down the boss of a seemingly endless crime syndicate (admittedly played by a handful of non-actors) for kidnapping a doctor and his deadly weapon. Literally, that's it. There's some hand-to-hand combat, with Weng taking on thugs who tower over him, which actually gets pretty entertaining, what little there is of it. These scenes always incorporate his signature move: A swift kick or chop to the crotch. But the vast bulk of the fight scenes, and this movie is primarily made up of them, are ENDLESS GUN BATTLES. No, not even "battles," various stooges line up, or come barreling in, WAITING to be shot. Let me tell you, that got real dull in a hurry, and the movie's almost 90 minutes long.

Weng Weng's partner Irma, who he rescues from being shot in an incredibly bad edit (also resulting in a gun fight), appears to be the only competent person on set who can believably appear to be able to kick someone's ass. Which is ironic in a movie including a veritable army of bad guys. One sequence has Weng attacked by guys with swords. None look competent of holding one, never mind wielding it. So... More Irma?

Other foxy ladies appear. Weng charms, kind of. He's supposed to be this suave ladies man. There's one scene where a woman seduces HIM, tells HIM to take his clothes off, we witness his giant nipples, and... End scene. Maybe I missed some more subtle flirting, frankly, I was falling asleep. He gets it on with NO ONE, at least not on screen.

All the stuff I actually enjoyed in this film are overshadowed by an overabundance of gunplay. Such as, there's no stand-in for Weng Weng. So, "Stunts by Weng." The rocket pack is pretty amusing, where he is obviously being held by a wire (fact that the wire is clearly visible doesn't help). He climbs, kicks ass, and can jump like a cat, clearly the star of the show (well, occasionally upstaged by his partner). Ultimately, the film has it charms, but is totally bogged down in filler, and lack of a real story.
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