Stinkweed excuse for a film
14 November 2022
Furry little things that take over people's brains ... or something to that effect.

The film opens with narration, which is usually a sure sign that crap is about to follow. A husband and wife (Alan Frost, Jody Fair) are driving along, when they hear an explosion. Upon investigating, they find a couple of dead animals. Then they stumble across a large cone-shaped object.

Fair: "What is it?" Frost: "I don't know."

Now the scene shifts to Washington DC, where Senator Walter K. Powers (Jack Hill) is part a UFO committee. We see film of the cone, and are informed that the cone is 50 feet high and has a base diameter of 50 feet. Now I ask you, what is the volume of the cone? (Not really, I just got carried away.)

Senator Walter K. Powers arrives in town and meets with Frost, who happens to be the Mayor's son. They head out to the cone, where scientist Ed Nelson is investigating, along with Joanna Lee and some old guy. Nelson fires his gun into a hole in the cone, to show that the "point of origin becomes the point of return."

Senator Walter K. Powers: "What's really on the inside of that thing?" Old guy scientist: "I don't know."

Nelson enters the cone, searching for the plot, and finds nothing.

Senator Walter K. Powers: "Well that thing has some purpose. What's it for?" Nelson: "I don't know."

Audience: "Why the hell are we watching this?" Me: "I DON'T KNOW."

Things go downhill quickly, but not fast enough to suit me. The Mayor has been taken over by something attached to his back. A cop gets taken over by something attached to his back. Lee gets taken over by something attached to her back. Everybody has a gun and shoots at anything that moves.

Eventually Nelson and Frost get inside the cone and find Leonard Nimoy, and a bunch of the furry things. Nimoy bores us with his philosophy: "Our social order is pure ... innocent ... it has the exactitude of mathematics. We shall force upon man a life free from strife and turmoil." Sounds great ... let's start by deep-sixing this film.
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