A MisGuided Documentary
12 November 2022
This documentary about Nicole Daedon and her OneTaste Company is interesting but completely misses the mark on its attempt to portray Daedon as a scammer and con artist. While there is clearly a cultish aspect of the personality and the work of Daedon it is not veiled. She is person that promotes female sexual empowerment and enlightenment through female orgasm. She also charges a lot of money for her programs. So what? The people that joined did so of their free will and were free to leave any time. Furthermore, it seems that the program was transparent in its focus on sexuality as a vehicle for self awareness. People's buyer's remorse or embarrassment over paying upwards of $30,000 doesn't;t make this a story of corruption or fraud. I thought the story is interesting but I felt like the documentarian was trying to manipulate the story.
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