Low budget sci fi film is humorous with a worthwhile pay off
26 October 2022
Marshall Thompson plays a naval officer whose brother, a hot shot test pilot, manages to get about 250 miles above the earth. Said brother then returns looking like something that crawled out of the La Brea Tar Pits. This creature goes on a rampage, seeking blood from humans and cows. It returns to its senses, somewhat, at the finale, and explains what happened in space.

But getting to the finale is a chore, because there is mostly talk, and too many people acting unwisely. For example, the creature breaks into a blood bank at night, tears off a door, and creates a lot of noise. A nurse goes to investigate, and walks calmly past the smashed-in door, without bothering to get help first. Some people deserve to have their blood drained.

Supposedly set in New Mexico, the mostly British cast do a decent job disguising their accents, but their uniforms and spelling ("authorised") give them away.
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