The Prophecy (1995)
Truly one of the most bizarre movies I have ever seen!
25 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have heard for a while about THE PROPHECY but up until this year I kinda avoided it because the plot looked even stranger than that of HIGHLANDER (which was bizarre but better). And when I finally saw it last March it lived up to my expectations.

It begins with Thomas Dagget (Elias Koteas) when he was becoming a priest but lost faith after having some visions about angels in war: he then left the priest school for becoming a cop for the LAPD. His visions were right: one day Simon (Eric Stoltz) arrives and warns Thomas of the following events before disappearing, while Utzel has come for killing Simon but ends up falling to his death. Utzel's body is taken in the morgue and there are various signs that he is not an ordinary human: he has no eyes and the same blood sample of a dead fetus. Soon Thomas finds a pass from the Apocalypse book where it talks about a second war in Heaven between various angels that wanted to be gods, and also about a human soul that could be a deadly weapon. Unbeknownst to anyone Gabriel (Christopher Walken) arrived on Earth and after killing Simon with flames taking the heart from his chest he is on the pursue of young Mary while Lucifer (Viggo Mortensen) also arrives and will kill Gabriel taking away his heart and devouring it.

I tried to explain the plot in the easiest way I could because it's a bit too complex for the usual viewer and I personally had to be very careful to what was happening. Some scenes didn't make a lot of sense (such as the confrontation scene between Simon and Utzel, or the one of Gabriel burning Utzel's body) and I ended up liking and disliking the movie at the same time. The acting was decent by actors who have done much better in their careers; Christopher Walken (who apparently doesn't say no easily), Viggo Mortensen, Virginia Madsen and Eric Stoltz have their occasional good lines and with better material, they probably would have had more. The soundtrack was ok, nothing more.

Overall, one of those movies that could have been made only in the 1990s that is both good and bad for all the aforementioned reasons. And it helps to turn off your brain while seeing because if you think too much your head might explode (it happened to me, but after a while I got better).
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