Flash Gordon (1996–1997)
Start of Lighting
25 October 2022
This is another entry in the "under the radar" series. King Features was no doubt on a bit of a roll in the 90's with shows like "Prince Valiant" and "Phantom 2040", "Flash Gordon" of course would be next. It's too bad this show didn't fly because this series really did have some potential to gain altitude but also from this loss it also meant that the chances of any other properties from King's Features being adapted mainly "Mandrake the Magician" or a "Defenders of the Earth" sequel or revival were lost.

Two of the real reasons why this series didn't fly is the marketing for it was week, I honestly never saw any ads about this series let alone when it would be on, but also on a bad time slot (at least in the region I lived in) as it was on at a time when all kids wanted to go out and play and not watch anymore TV; so it's no wonder this show passed by everyone's radar.

However, I feel the real reason why the show wasn't successful was because of simply bad timing, King Features comic franchises just weren't as popular as they use to be, and with Marvel and DC franchises on the continual rise in the 90's with their own animated shows out like "Spiderman" and "Batman the Animated Series", "Flash Gordon" just didn't stand a chance.

They were trying to go the prequel route which was interesting as back then the concept of prequel almost was nonexistent, in fact origin stories were rare and only happened on occasion. This show you can say predates most prequel like the "Star Wars" prequel trilogy and TV shows like "Smallville" and "Star Wars: The Clone Wars". In this show we see that both Flash and Dale are teenagers, which seems a little strange because in the comic strip series they were adults. But by making the character teenagers this works to the shows advantage because it's not just a way to help bring depth into some well-known beloved characters depth but also helps in building up and bringing reason to world building and how the character came to be in who we know them to be.

The animation is good from the characters, but I really like the animation of the other worlds along with the ships, tech and creatures which bring out and stay true to the spirit of the pulp comic series. Even like the action which is well choreographed as you see shoot outs on the ground and air and some chases.

The theme song is decent, it's not one to run home from the music store and listen too at least for me. But it's an ok listen despite the fact that a few strum beats don't sound right almost like a auditioner for a heavy metal band is trying too hard to impress; though that could just be me. But some beats sound right and just feel like "Flash Gordon" as it has that feel of high energetic adventure.

I like the story structure from the plot progression and even character development which wasn't really in the comic strip series; well ok it was but not with a great amount of depth it was a comic strip series after all what are you going to do. However, this was rare and almost nonexistent for television in general as most shows at the time. I personally really loved this because it really felt like the show was moving forward and leading someplace.

The characters are also solid from the main villain Ming who has been made into a humanoid lizard. Which I don't mind as he's an alien and was green in the comic series, and of course they kept him the same as he's a ruthless vein tyrannical psycho that wants to conquer and destroy. There isn't a special reason for it, he just simply likes doing it.

Supporting characters, they all are decent and serve their functions, however, the characters that drive this show are Flash, Dale, and Aura.

Really like Dale who is has this active spunk to her, but I also like how she a little more down to Earth to her which makes her a good levelheaded person for Flash to bounce off of.

Aura who is sort of mischievous, rebellious, and naive, but is also has warmth, maturity, and is open minded which is what makes her even more beautiful. Her character I always liked in the mythos as she's slightly complex but also has a complex dilemma which made her the most sympathetic. From her naivety she has trouble seeing her father for the awful man he really is which is understandable Ming is her father and she may not be totally wrong as Ming might have been a good person once, who knows. But of course, we see slowly but surely her eyes start to open wider which helps her in doing what is right which makes her a valuable ally to Flash and his friends.

And of course, our main man Flash, really like the character design of him as he looks like actor Devon Sawa. He's slightly different from what we know about him, he's still physically fit or at least in decent shape but here instead of an athlete; Flash is more of a geek as he's a gamer which is cool and makes him more relatable as I am too. He's optimistic, energetic but as we see he's slightly immature/cocky probably due to being a gaming champ and naïve as he obviously hasn't gotten out of the arcade or put down the controller from the video game console much, which shows he has a lot to learn. Deep down he really does want to do and be something more in his life, you can say his adventures in Mongo is one hell of a way in getting both.

I like how this show you can say is one big coming of age story, as all three of them have something in common as each of them are young, despite being active and doing a lot in their lives, they all are inexperienced in one way or another. However, we see throughout the course of things they each awaken a little more which makes them grow out of what held them back. This is true with all of us as well as life itself as we all had to take gradual even big steps in growth and change. Like seeing Flash nativity even cockiness fade once he realizes the gravity of the war their fighting that it along with life is not one big video game because you don't get a second chance at winning and surviving. He even starts to take charge even the leadership role a lot more as the war progresses more once again showing the immature side fade and a sign he's becoming the hero we all know him to be.

Though it' s true this show runs into some turbulence mainly the humor. I'll admit some of the humor at times feels inappropriate or even out of place, like for example something serious is happening and something just cracks a joke which is clearly cringe inducing and the worst time. However, this is a little drawback that is easy to get past and the humor in the show only happens at certain times and latter almost completely faded, so you don't have to worry about things getting too jokey.

But of course, the main problem with the show was that it didn't get another season. I personally would have liked a second season which could of given the show room for improvement but also now that everything and everyone is established good deeper and harder on the story.

I could easily imagine for the second season they would take a darker turn, like it takes place years latter and the war despite how much has advanced is not working in Flash and Dales favor but continue to fight on and we would see new planets and characters. Maybe even some character development from Flash and Dale becoming adults as well possibly romance dynamics like having them as a couple along with Baron and Aura which is how it was in the comic series. Or for any glutens of punishment could delay suspense further keeping them all friends until the pay off when their more than that. I don't know only in the realm of Fanfiction can this series continue.

It would be cool if they have another animated series adaptation of "Flash Gordon" though that might not happen anytime soon as both this series along with most of the other series from King Features aren't as popular as they use to be back in yesteryear. But who knows as there has been talk of another live action "Flash Gordon" film along with "Mandrake the Magician", if those happen then it would mean the popularity of the King Feature properties would be back on track. So, if that happens, "Flash Gordon" may fly once again, only time will tell.

If you're a fan of "Flash Gordon" or just a causal fan of animated sci-fi shows this series is with checking out. This show gains some altitude worth a test flight.

Rating: 3 stars.
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