Melies' magic, part three
24 October 2022
Georges' science fiction short feature "The moon a meter off" (La Lune à un mètre) premiered in 1898 and in this story the astronomer, played by Georges himself, restless and tired of having no success in his plans to go to the moon falls asleep and has all kinds of nightmares - his drawing on the chalkboard comes to life, then the objects start disappearing and as a final and the creepiest of all, his telescope turns into a giant moon with a face and a big mouth and eats him.

Melies utilizes many cinematic techniques to build the tension up and blends comedy, farce, sci-fi, thriller and horror together in perfect proportions to bewitch the viewer and keep him grasping for every single detail. I believe it was the first movie to ever use "it was all a dream" thing that became a kind of cliché later on. I also believe it was this movie that inspired Georges to expand his sci-fi madness furthermore into "A trip to the Moon" four years after this movie.
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